Approved August 2013

Article I NAME

The name of this organization shall be the Alaska Psychological Association (The Association. The appropriate abbreviation is AK-PA. The Board of Directors (BOD) of the Association shall consist of the officers of the Association plus the Representative to the APA Council of Representatives, the Continuing Education Coordinator, the six Members-At-Large, the Diversity Delegate, and the Technology Chair. The Executive Committee of the BOD shall consist of the Association President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


The Board commits itself and its members to ethical professional and lawful conduct including proper use of authority and professional decorum when acting as board members.


The purpose of this Association shall be:

A. To advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human health and welfare.

B. To work with state, community, civic, educational, and religious groups in promoting human health and welfare.

C. To foster and maintain high standards of practice in the field of psychology.

D. To make available to the public information regarding psychology as a science and a profession.

E. To represent the scientific and professional interests of AK-PA membership to the American Psychological Association (APA).


A. Definition

The association shall consist of Members and Affiliates. Members are individuals who meet the requirements for membership and shall have the right to vote and hold office; Affiliates are individuals who do not meet the requirements for membership. The intent of the differentiation is to provide for and encourage active participation in AK-PA by those who are not members.

1. Professional qualifications for membership status shall be as follows:

a. Fellow or Member or Associate Member status in the American Psychological Association (APA); OR

b. Licensure as a psychologist or a psychological associate by the State of Alaska; OR

c. Holder of a doctoral degree based in part upon a psychological dissertation or its equivalent conferred by a graduate school accredited by any regional accrediting agency recognized by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and is primarily engaged in study or professional work that is psychological in nature; OR

d. Holder of a master’s degree in psychology or counseling conferred by a graduate school accredited by any regional accrediting agency recognized by the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers, and is primarily engaged in study or professional work that is psychological in nature

e. Adherence to the practices defined in the most recent edition of the APA Ethical Standards for Psychologists or ACA (American Counseling Association) Ethical Standards consisting with the licensure or intended licensure.

f. Payment of the annual dues commensurate with specific membership status as outlined in the membership application, in a timely manner.

g. The requirements for membership status may be waived in special cases by the Executive Committee for persons who have clearly proven themselves to be competent in the field of psychology. This determination is at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee.

2. Qualifications for Affiliate status shall be as follows:

a. Student of a Masters or Doctoral Program in psychology or counseling accredited by any regional accrediting agency recognized by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and is primarily engaged in study or professional work that is psychological in nature OR

b. Any other interested individual not qualifying for full membership may become an Affiliate AND

c. Payment of appropriate annual dues

B. Privileges

1. Only Members with a doctoral degree may be elected President or Federal/State Advocacy Coordinator of the Association. Only Members with a doctoral degree may be elected to the position of AK-PA representative to the APA Council of Representatives. All Members may be elected or appointed to any other association office.

2. Any Member may be appointed chair of a committee.

3. All Members and Affiliates are encouraged to attend and participate in both general membership and BOD meetings. Members are privileged to vote at elections and on issues brought before the general membership at a general membership meeting or by a ballot mailed to the Members. However, only those serving on the BOD may vote at BOD meetings.

C. Termination of Membership or Affiliate status

1. When a question of unprofessional or unethical activity by a Member arises, the Board may investigate the matter and make a recommendation of disciplinary action (which can include termination of membership).

2. The Executive Committee reviews recommendations and makes a final determination. The BOD is notified of the final action.

3. Membership may also be terminated for non-payment or insufficient payment of dues.

Article V DUES

A.  The BOD shall determine the amount of annual dues and invoke special assessments in cases of fiscal emergency.


A. Identification

1.  The officers of the Association shall be President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.

2. All officers of the Association must be active members in good standing at the time of their election to office.


The BOD of the Association shall consist of President, President-Elect, Past-President, Federal/State Advocacy Coordinator, State Advocacy Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the APA Council of Representatives, Continuing Education Committee Chair, Diversity Committee Chair, and Technology Committee Chair. In addition, six Members-at-Large will be seated on the Board.

A.  All Members of the BOD must be Members of the Association in good standing.

B.  The BOD shall have general oversight over the affairs of the Association.

C.  Meetings of the BOD, including electronic meetings, shall be held at any time upon the call of the President or any other two officers. Good faith effort must be made to contact all BOD members. A simple majority (51%) of the BOD membership shall constitute a quorum.

D.  The Executive Director (ED) shall not be a voting member of the BOD. The ED reports to the President. The President or designee is responsible for the oversight of the ED’s performance.

E.  Residency: Members of the BOD shall physically reside and work in the State of Alaska for the majority of the calendar year.

F.  Duties: Duties and Responsibilities of all Board Members are outlined in their position descriptions. Board members must acknowledge their respective position descriptions by signing a form stating they are aware of the responsibilities of the Board position they are assuming.

G.  Replacement: In case of death, disability, resignation or removal of any of the officers of the Association or Members-at-Large, the President or designee shall appoint a successor to serve until the next regular election.

H.  A member of the BOD may be removed for cause with a majority vote of the BOD or by petition of 2/3 of the membership, or because of more than two unexcused absences from Board Meetings (prior notification to the Executive Director or President constitutes an excused absence).


A.  The Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past President, will present a slate of candidates to the BOD for approval. Nominations may also be submitted by electronic mail, US mail or telephone to the Executive Director. Write-in candidates are also permitted.

B.  The Representative to the APA Council of Representatives will be elected according to APA policy.

C.  Elections shall be decided by a majority of votes cast by ballots which may be mailed or sent electronically to Members of the Association.

D.  In the event that no candidate receives the majority of the votes cast for any elected position a run-off election between the two candidates receiving the most votes shall be held.


A.  The President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member-At-Large terms are two years.

B.  The Continuing Education, Committee Chair, Diversity Committee Chair, Ethics Chair, and Technology Committee Chair will be appointed by the President, approved by the BOD, and serves at the pleasure of the President.

C. Terms of office shall begin at 12:01 am on August 16th.


A.  The BOD may have the following committees beyond the Executive Committee: Ethics, Technology, Continuing Education, Disaster Relief Network (DRN), Finance, Membership, Legislative Advocacy, Business of Practice Network (BOPN), Diversity and Public Education Campaign (PEC).

B.  The President shall appoint and dismiss Committee Chairs. Committee Chairs are expected to serve for the duration of the term of the appointing president and may be reappointed.


The Association shall hold at least one annual general membership meeting, the specific time and place of which shall be designated by the BOD. Any meeting of the general membership shall be publicized to the membership at least thirty days in advance. A financial report will be provided to membership at the Annual Meeting.


A.  The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on January 1.

B.  The Executive Committee shall approve a provisional annual budget prior to preparing the Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP) grant for the upcoming fiscal year.

C.  Expenditures outside the scope of the approved budget shall be made only upon approval by the Executive Committee.


The rules contained in the most current edition of Keesey’s Modern Parliamentary Procedure shall govern the business meetings of the Association on all cases in which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution.


A.  An amendment to the Bylaws may be proposed by the BOD or by a petition of ten percent of the current membership presented to the BOD.

B.  An amendment may be adopted by a majority vote of the Members voting on a ballot mailed to the membership which shall describe the amendment. Ballots must be returned within one month of the receipt in order to be counted.