News Blog
April 2021
Ethics Committee Update and Workshop
Here is what is happening with your AK-PA Ethics Committee: This quarter the Ethics [...]
AK-PA Awarded 2021 APA Small State Operational Grant
APA has awarded AK-PA $13,500 in operational grant funding to support executive director and lobbying [...]
March 2021
AK-PA Statement on the shootings in Georgia and Virtual Day of Action and Healing
March 26th, Asian American lawmakers and community leaders are observing #StopAsianHate Virtual Day of [...]
October 2020
Fall 2020 AK-PA Newsletter
Fall 2020 AK-PA Newsletter Greetings, Please enjoy this Newsletter brought to you by the [...]
Committee Updates
Committee Updates Fall 2020 AKPA Legislative Committee Report By Robert Lane, Ph.D. Legislation/APA Federal Advocacy [...]
AK-PA hosts Dr. Arthur Evans, CEO American Psychological Assoc.
AK-PA hosts Dr. Arthur Evans, CEO American Psychological Assoc. AK-PA virtually hosted APA CEO Dr. [...]